Morning Docket: 04.12.16
* Howrey doing with all those profit clawbacks for unfinished business? The bankruptcy trustee for this defunct firm filed an appeal with the Ninth Circuit to determine whether his method of collecting cash for the insolvent firm's estate was legal, and in an amicus brief, the ABA has sided with the law firms being bilked for funds, saying such efforts must be nixed. [ABA Journal] * The Tenth Circuit dismissed a challenge to Utah's ban on polygamy that was brought by TLC's "Sister Wives" family, saying they didn't have standing to sue as they were no longer subject to a credible threat of prosecution. This will probably add fuel to the rumors that the show is on the verge of cancellation before Season 7. [WSJ Law Blog] * The SEC has charged Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in connection to a stock scam involving tech company Servergy. Paxton allegedly assisted the company with raising investor funds, but never disclosed his commissions. With three pending criminal indictments and a bar complaint, this guy is batting 1000. [Dallas Morning News] * Reclaim Harvard Law protestors who have been occupying the school's student center claim that they found a voice-activated recording device in "Belinda Hall," and have interpreted this as an "intentional effort to surveil [their] movement." If your goal was to get people to listen to your message, consider this an achievement unlocked. [Observer] * If you're uncertain about your law school decision, you can certainly put down multiple seat deposits, but we're not sure why you would want to. By all means, start your legal education by putting yourself into debt -- you'll be off to a great start for the six figures of loans you'll have accumulated by graduation. [Law Admissions Lowdown / U.S. News]